Nick Burgoyne - Articles, Adverts and Elsewhere
Street Photography Magazine, Feb 2021
At the end of 2020 I contacted several magazines and galleries and had
a very positive response from Street Photography Magazine who asked me
to write an article to discuss my images and they published it in Feb 2021!
Street Photography Magazine Article by Nick Burgoyne
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In case you would prefer to see the original article,
Click Here to Download a PDF of the Original Article
Jackson Lily's used one of my photos for their palm tree logo
My wife has used some for her business - Bali Kids Party
I have been writing commercially for many years.
My first 'works'were scientific reports and software help files and instruction manuals but with the encouragement of friends and the move to Bali, it turned out that I was also able to write other things too.
After the Bali Bombing in 2002, I volunteered as the 'press officer' of Parum Samigita, the 'think tank'of the Kuta council. I wrote many things for Parum Samigita, including situation reports and urgent action requests, but I was particularly pleased to be able to write the official response from the Kuta Council to the world.
It was well received and I was gratified that the head of the UN Disaster Relief Agency congratulated me for it. Now We Move Forward
I have also been playing guitar since I was six years old.
I should really be better! Listen to my full album for free!